Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bike Ride

 We have been walking to our Tuesday evening community group for a while now. I sometimes carry Russell in the back pack but the girls usually walk. It is about one mile to our friend's house. Etta does very well, but Mae is usually done at about the high school. (Which is one block away from our house...)

The weather has been nice so the girls have been riding their bikes a ton. Etta learned how to ride last summer without her training wheels and can "ride faster than cars drive" (according to her). [As a side note: Jackie told me that teaching Etta how to ride her bike is one of the proudest accomplishments of her life to date. Love, love, love our village.] And this spring Mae has figured out how to get going without a push from mom. Makes me life way easier!

It was very pleasant last night so I decided to let them ride their bikes the mile to group. Good idea in theory, way more bending over to push Mae's bike than was comfortable for me. But it worked. We got there safely and it took about the same amount of time that it would have if we walked. I think it will get faster as they get more comfortable on their bikes and more aware of watching at corners etc. We walk the bikes across all streets and they have to get off to get down off of curbs and back up. But they love it and I am glad they like to do it.
Good Russell pic. Mae, "The sun is hurting my eyes mommy!" Etta is a trooper and is starting to look at the camera more - when she is supposed to.
Mae finally bit the bullet and squeezed her eyes shut. I had to include this picture even if it is similar to the one above.
It felt like Russell was trying to climb out of the backpack the whole way. His face was just about even with mine. He loves being outside. I keep telling him if he learns how to walk he can spend MORE time out with his sisters.
They are so cute and my heart is bursting with love for the little people they are becoming.

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