Saturday, June 14, 2014

Quick trip to Missoula

Over Memorial Day weekend we made a quick trip to Missoula to celebrate Haley Nelson and her graduation from law school. We are very proud of Haley!

We left after Bob got home from work and packed
a dinner to eat in the car. Etta sat in the middle row
with Russell and fed him. It worked out perfectly.
I love how he can now self feed and I don't have to
ride in the back seat!
Enjoying a snack outside of the ceremony. Russell spent spent
most of his time putting his Angry Bird and Minion Cheese
Nips in the bush behind him.
Enjoying a post swim snack of blueberries and TV. Mostly matching.
A power nap after a busy day. I don't know how she doesn't
just fall off the chair. (Note: we were in the hotel parking lot
when I took this pic. I don't normally leave her unbuckled
and/or the seat down while we are driving.)
More TV time. This time with Uncle. I love that Russell is
looking right at him.
Doesn't Erik look thrilled?
We have a very active 15 month old. Who likes to climb. And
push buttons. And not be left behind when others get to leave.
Thankfully this ottoman was just the size of the doorway. He
couldn't push it out or tip it back his way.
It was a ready made jungle gym just his size as it had a support
bar that he had to climb over to reach the door. He was working
on his balance and climbing all weekend. Perfect!
Very tired boy who was asleep before we got to Frenchtown.
(Less than 10 miles from Missoula.)
All of the others soon joined. Very quiet for the bulk of the
trip to Coeur d'Alene.
Like usual mother has most of the pictures on her (new!) camera. Someday we will figure out how to get them onto the Surface that we got her for Christmas.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Kindergarten Graduation!

Now, Kindergarten graduation is NOT Grandma Cynthia's favorite thing.

But it is so. darn. cute.

I mean, seriously?! She got to keep her tassle. It's hanging on her bedroom door.
Her class of six.
Angelica, Etta, Maddie, Zayne, Sophie, Khloe
They marched in to "Pomp and Circumstances". Being the band director has some perks. And listening to a mostly beginning band play Pomp? Also priceless.
They did a Kindergarten poem. Etta was E for exercise and R for reading.
They played bells.
She read her poster which said, "I like math because it makes me smart."
Getting her diploma from Mr. R, the principal.
The K-2 class did a song/skit.

Etta has also been participating in drama club. She really enjoys it and will be doing it again next year.
Bows all around.