Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

We woefully under-celebrate most things at the Wicks house. Not that different holidays and events aren't fun and a chance to change things up a bit but ... well, I'm just not that into things. I try to do other special things on not-so-special days and create excitement in the little things. (But if you've see any of my attempts at cake decorating you'll see that I'm not that great at that either!)

I don't expect much in the way of gifts. I don't really want gifts for my birthday or Mother's Day or when ever. On my birthday the girls kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday and I kept telling them that I wanted time with them. "But we want to get you a PRESENT mommy!"

Thankfully Bob works in a building full of women. Women who teach children. And who have an arsenal of gift ideas for "moms who don't want gifts". So this was pretty fun. He did a great job. And he's not even on Pinterest!! (Thank you Mrs. Repp.)

I think that the best part of the whole weekend was Mae's continuous commentary. The girl is never quiet.


They got home from running errands Saturday morning:

Mae: "Mommy! We bought you some flowers!"

Etta: "Maaaaaaaaaaeeeee! You weren't supposed to tell!"
I got home from a movie Saturday afternoon:

Mae: "Mommy! Daddy did Russell's hand print!"

Bob: "Mae! It's supposed to be a surprise!"
Sunday morning during breakfast:

Mae: "Daddy! When are we going to finish the hand prints for mommy?"
But it didn't matter. The end result was still so special. At church the kids got to pick a flower 4-pack for their moms. The girls went out to the foyer - alone - holding hands, and came back with a 4-pack of pansies. Etta: "Because they're your favorite mommy!"

Heart melting.

So they came home, banished me to the house and finished their gift.

And I love it.

Proud of their work!
My mom got the girls these planters for Etta's birthday. Etta's is the cat and Mae's is the dog. They had leftover potting soil and flowers so they were filled up.
A little more color and fun in our front yard!

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