Saturday, February 2, 2013

Public Art

Much to the chagrin of many residents in Lewiston, our city is actually spending money on - *GASP* - ART! On New Year's Day we took a little tour down town to check out new things.
One of the new benches.
What will be a fountain outside of the NEW library,
New art on a walking bridge that leads to the dyke/levee system. Fish found in the Snake and Clearwater rivers (I'm assuming).
It's different, but bright and creative.
And a snake!
Much detail.
Checking out a "guy" across the street from the Lewiston Tribune building. This is some "old" art. The girls weren't super sure and didn't really want to get too close.
New benches.
One local citizen wrote a letter to the editor complaining that this pair isn't "true to life" as "bull moose are never seen in the presence of calf moose". Um, let it go man. Just because you're angry that we're getting art...
The kids loved them. Bigger than life to them.
Trying to get a picture of the three of them was nearly impossible. Note: in the background is the future home of our new Lewiston Library!! That is a whole other controversy. We are very excited. Etta has been waiting a long time for the doors to open. Should happen around her birthday. *fingers crossed!*
After checking out the walking bridge. They are walking back toward the car. Even four weeks ago this pregnant momma wasn't keeping up. This was using some major zoom on my camera. I love the shots of them walking together!

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